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Tongfosi Formation
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Tongfosi Fm base reconstruction

Tongfosi Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Cretaceous, (24) K1qs


Type Locality and Naming

Yanji Basin.

Synonym: Local volcanic unit in lower portion is called the Quangshuicun Fm in the same Yanji Basin. That Quanshuicun Fm was designated by the Jilin Regional Geological Survey Team in 1974. The section for the designation is at the Quanshui Village of the Helong County (128°59′E ; 42°29′40″N).

Lithology and Thickness

The Tongfosi Fm is mainly composed of grey to black, off-white, greyish-brown, and greyish-yellow (mostly in the western part of the basin) conglomerates, sandstones, fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, oil-bearing sandstones, mudstones, and rare coal seams, and locally at the base of the Tongfosi Fm there are greyish-green and greyish-purple andesites, andesitic volcanic breccias, lavas and tuffs (Futong Fm and Quanshuicun Fm) (Sha, 2007a). The Quanshuicun Fm is represented by gray purple andesite, andesitic agglomerate, andesitic tuff lava and andesitic breccia lava. The Quanshuicun Fm is 295.2 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Its base marked by andesite is distinguished from the underlying Changcai Fm marked by tuffaceous conglomerate and shows a conformable contact with the latter.

Upper contact

Its top marked by gray purple andesite lies unconformably under the conglomerate of the overlying Dalazi Fm.

Regional extent

The Quanshuicun Fm volcanic equivalent of the Tongfosi Fm occurs in the Chechangzi- Songxiaping and Fudong-Changcai areas of the Helong county, and exposed sporadically near Duhuangzi of Wangqing. In the Helong basin, it varies considerably in lithology laterally and longitudinally and is 295 m thick at the Quanshui village, and northward to Jinchanggou only 33 m thick. It increases in the amount of pyroclastic rocks and decreases in the amount of lava northward and southward. In the Duhuangzi basin, it is represented by gray green and gray purple andesitic tuff lava and andesitic breccia tuff lava, with a thickness of 357 m. In the Yimianshan basin, it is represented by moderately acid tuff lava and andesite, with a thickness of 707.5 m. In the Luozigou basin, the lower part of the formation is built up by moderately basic olivine basalt and pyroxene andesite, while the upper part acid lava and pyroclastic rocks, ranging from 300 to 600 m in thickness. The Jilin Regional Geological Survey Team (1984) correlated the Quanshuicun Formation with the Dongshan Fm, which was assigned to the Quanshuicun Formation during the stratigraphic sorting in 1994. In the Diyingou basin, the Quanshuigou Formation is composed of basalt andesite, andesite and pyroxene andesite, with a thickness of more than 880 m.




It yields a large number of plant mega- and microfossils, charophytes, dinocysts, chlorophyte algae, acritarchs, conchostracans, ostracods, gastropods and bivalves, and rare skeletal fragments. The palynoflora consists of two brackish to brackish-marine dinocysts assemblages. The Vesperopsis cf. zhaodongensis - V. tongfosiensis assemblage occurs in the middle part of the formation. Apart from the two index species, this assemblage mainly consists of V. granulata, V. cf. sanjiangensis, V. yanjiensis, Balmula cf. granorugosa, Pseudoceratium sp. and Nyktericysta sp. V. zhaodongensis is the index species for the top of the Denglouku Fm; V. granulata has also been recorded from the Damoguaihe Fm, Shahezi Fm and at the base of the Yimin Fm; V. sanjiangensis also occurs in the Chengzihe Fm; B. granorugosa and Pseudoceratium sp. both occur in the Yingcheng Fm, and the latter also in the Chengzihe Fm and Damoguaihe Fm; and Vesperopsis, Nyktericysta and Pseudoceratium have been recorded from the Fuxin Fm. Furthermore, V. sanjiangensis and B. granorugosa have been found in the Damoguaihe Fm. Although V. granulata may range as low as the (mainly) Barremian-Aptian Shahezi Fm and extends upwards into the base of the Albian Yimin Fm, the assemblage is mainly encountered at the level of the Denglouku Fm, Fuxin Fm, Chengzihe Fm, Damoguaihe Fm, and probably parts of upper Yingcheng Fm and lower Sunjiawan Fm (Sha, 2007a). The acritarch and dinocyst Filisphaeridium - Sentusidinium assemblage occurs in the upper part of the formation and mainly consists of the acritarchs Filisphaeridium sp. and Granodiscus sp., and the first stratigraphic occurences of the dinocysts Cometodinium sp., Sentusidinium bifidum, Dinogymniopsis granulata and D. spinulosa. Except for Cometodinium sp., the other three dinocyst species have all been recorded from the mainly Cenomanian Qingshankou Fm, implying that this palynoflora assemblage is younger than Aptian, but the overlying Albian Dalazi Fm constrains its age to no younger than Albian. The formation also yields an assemblage of ostracods dominated by Vlakomia jilinensis, co-occurred with Scabriculocypris tonfosiensis, S. yanbianensis, Mongolianella kyranbeki, Lycopterocypris infantilis, Candona spp., Vlakomia ustinovskii. The assemblage is dated as Albian to possibly Upper Cretaceous. Hence, based on the palynofloral and ostracods assemblages, the Tongfosi Fm is Aptian-Albian. Bivalves include Nippononaia yanjiensis and Sphaerium (Sphaerium) chientaoense (=S. (S.) yanbianense). The stratigraphic range of N. yanjiensis is Barremian-Albian (Sha, 2007b) and it has been recorded from the upper Jiufotang Fm, Fuxin Fm and Sunjiawan Fm, and S. (S.) chientaoense has been recorded from the Albian Khuren Dukh Fm in southeast Mongolia (Sha et al., 2006) and the Albian Houshigou Fm /Xiachengzi Formation, which does not contradict the correlation based of the palynoflora assemblages.

The Quanshuicun Fm equivalent at Duhuangzi of Wangqing yields floras Onychiopsis sp. and O. elongata.


Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It belongs to volcanic facies.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao

Enhanced with Igor N. Kosenko, Jingeng Sha and Boris N. Shurygin (2021). Upper Mesozoic stratigraphy of Sikhote-Alin (Russian Far East) and northeastern China: Non-marine and marine correlations. Part 1: Upper Jurassic-Hauterivian AND 2. Barremian-Aptian. Cretaceous Research, 124: articles 104811 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104811) AND 104812 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104812)